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Learning disabilities in children

Every child may face some struggles and difficulties in school with some skills from time to time. When children try their best and still faces issues with a specific set of skills over time, it could be a symbol of a learning disorder. Having a learning disorder in schools denotes that a child has many difficulties in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intellect or incentive is not affected.

Generally speaking, students with learning difficulties are of average or above-average intellectual. There is always appears to be a gap between the individual’s potential and actual accomplishment. It is the main reason for calling learning disabilities hidden disabilities. The person looks very normal, and seems to be a very bright and intellectual person, yet may be unable to establish the skill level expected from someone of the same age.

A learning disability cannot be fixed or cured, and it is a lifetime challenge. However, with proper support and intervention, people with learning disabilities can attain triumph in school, college, at work, in relationships, family, and society.

Some of the signs of learning disorders are
·        Trouble reading right from left
·        Reversing words, letters, or numbers after first or second grade
·        Difficulties with identifying patterns or organizing items by shape or size
·        Difficulty with understanding and the following information or remaining organized
·        Difficulty with recalling what was just read or what was just said
·        Lacking organization when moving around with others.
·        Struggle to do tasks with the hands, like drawing, writing, cutting, or sketching
·        Difficulty with understanding the notion of time

Examples of learning disorders include

·        Dyslexia – difficulty with reading

·        Dysgraphia – difficulty with writing

·        Dyscalculia – difficulty with mathematics

Children with learning disabilities may feel discouraged that they cannot master a subject even though trying hard and may act helpless, act out, or withdraw. Learning difficulty can also be existing with behavioral and emotional disorders, including ADHD- attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, or disquiet. The mixture of issues can make it harder for a child to be successful in school. Identifying each disorder is essential so that the child can get the proper kind of help.

Common learning disabilities


A language-based disability in which a child has trouble with understanding written words and reading. It is also related to language-based processing skills and is referred to as a reading disability or reading disorder.


A specific learning disability affects a child’s ability to understand numbers and solving arithmetic problems, and grasping math concepts.


A learning disability affects a child’s handwriting ability. It is hard for the child to form letters or writes within a defined space.

Auditory and Visual Processing

A specific learning disability affects a child’s understanding of the spoken language or of what they read. It is a sensory disability that makes a child difficulty understanding language.

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

A specific disorder that creates in the right hemisphere of the brain which causes a problem with structural, evaluative, in-built, visual-spatial, and all-inclusive processing functions.

Treatment for Learning Disorders

Children with learning disabilities need extra care and help that are specific to them. The best international schools in Chennai basically do their own testing for learning disorders to find out if a child needs intervention. Parents, teachers, organizations, healthcare providers, and the school can work together to discover the perfect recommendations and treatment for children with learning disabilities.


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