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Simple Ways To Encourage Learning

Best students are not born as good learners. Every child has an individual personality, and it plays a big role in a child’s willingness to learn and their overall personality when it comes to education. At the same time, most children who are good learners at one point had to become the best learners. Most importantly, a student who possesses the basic skill and gets the correct motivation can become a good learner.

Now a day, one of the biggest mistakes made by parents and teachers is when it comes to developing children and student's learning ability, they limit the learning to the classroom. The classroom provides the primary source of instruction. But if you really want to develop your child’s desire and ability to learn, they need to learn intellectual, social, and academic growth outside the walls of the classroom. 

In this article, let us discuss some proven strategies and tips that will motivate your child to develop their learning. If you apply them correctly, you can see your child discover the delight of learning.

Improve an atmosphere of reading

Reading helps your children to improve their vocabulary, and it also helps their brain learn how to practice concepts and formal communication. Students who read well experience an improved capacity to learn in all subjects, including difficult technical subjects, such as science and mathematics. As a parent, you should help your child develop reading skills and makes their world filled with reading. 

The best option to create and develop a good reader is to make reading more fun. You do not make them feel reading as frustrating. If your child decides that reading is frustrating and boring, they won’t want to read anymore and their interest to learn will be diminished. Allow your child to pick their own books to read and create activities for them to make reading more enjoyable.

Encourage open and sincere communication

Always encourage your child to open up their opinion about what’s going on with their education. Create an atmosphere where the child feels comfortable expressing his thoughts, concerns, likes, and dislikes. When your child expresses his opinion, you should value their feelings even if you disagree with their point. If your child feels that his opinion doesn’t matter or he is stuck, he may disengage from the learning process. Good learners always value their opinions and feel comfortable that they can be able to express their educational experience without being judged, ignored, put down, and discouraged.

Introduce and boost different kinds of learning styles

Every child is different, and they have different preferences and styles that are suitable for their way of learning. Some children prefer to read a dominant style, while others may like to learn a mixture of learning styles. Even though there is no particular learning style, or a mix of learning styles, however, helping your kids to discover their preferred learning styles help them to improve their rate and quality learning.

Make learning enjoyable through game-based learning

Game-based learning is not a new thing, and it has already existed for a long time. Gam based learning is very beneficial for many reasons. When you use games as an education tool, it not only provides opportunities for learning but also benefits your children to develop their non-cognitive skills. Game-based learning is particularly beneficial for children in a classroom setting, which acts as an effective motivation for students.

Make every day a learning day

Making every day as a learning day may sound little bit much, but it is really a good thing to begin in the right way. Encourage your child whenever possible and let them explore the world around them. Allow them to ask questions and make connections. Help them to organize, classify, and think critically of what he sees and learns. Turning your child’s every day into a learning day will help them to develop the internal motivation to learn in the classroom.

Concentrate on what he's learning, not his performance

Instead of asking your child about his math test performance, ask them to teach you what they have learned in math today. Concentrate on your child’s learning process, instead of focusing on his performances. Explain to your child that actual learning is more important than test marks and grades. Tell them that the result is not more important, and you are more concerned about him than you are about his performance. It will definitely help your child to develop their learning skills and boost their confidence level to express their thought and feelings.


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