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Merits Of Online Classes During Lockdown

Some countries start to implement lockdown procedures numerous businesses forced to stop and postponed their works. Whole world struggling with the coronavirus pandemic and came to a standstill. Industries which based on technology that relies on digitization are booming. One of the industries which are becoming gradually popular is the education-tech industry. Education has turned upside down over the last five months, with a significant rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is performed remotely and on digital platforms. As a result of lockdown, schools and colleges are closed, and the students and teachers alike have turned to teach in an online platform to maintain the academic momentum. 

In recent years, online learning and teaching has become more popular and gained tremendous traction in the Indian market. Apart from academic content, online classes allow students to gain more skills and even prepare for competitive government examinations. More than thousands of students are attached to smartphones and computer screens as teachers and students enter a new learning world of simulated lectures. Online classes hold a challenge to both students and teachers over technical issues and access, it still keeps everyone connected and busy with worksheets, lectures, tests, and assignments.

There are two sides to every coin, and in online learning, it also has its pros and cons. Let us discuss the positive things and advantages of an online class.

Online Competency-Based Learning

Ability-based learning permits a student to gain convertible skills and competencies. Teaching is totally based on the learner-focused, and it doesn’t depend on any other factor. In the class, many students hesitate to interact with the teacher because of peer competition or domineering students. But in an online class, every student exposes their learning ability and level of engagement towards the subject. It offers flexibility and the capacity for students to improve the learning of a competency. An online class mainly focuses on developing student’s skills, behavior, knowledge, and strategic objectives. 

Generating High Calibre Learning Pathways for Future 

In the competitive world, enhancement and skill development is the main key to career growth. Different online class platforms have made it simple for each student to improve new skills while remaining with a regular course at a college. The best path for improving your skills is online education. It is more common when an MA student with a specialization in English doing an online course in data analytics to expand her ability, skills, and likewise. If you adapt to the online learning environment, it will help you too familiar with the future of work and required competencies.

Improved Attendance

Due to coronavirus, every educational institute is forced to adopt online classes, and there is a significant development in the attendance of students. Moreover, you don't have to travel long distances for classes, and today generation people love the concept of online classes. Students also show their significant improvement in participation and interaction during online learning. 

Trackable Learning

In online classes, it is easy for the teachers to track down the performance and learning ability of students. Every student data has been stored individually in the online mode. And these data can be easily and digitally trackable. The digital tools help the teachers to easily track down their student’s information and data, which is not possible with face-to-face learning. Every student's detailed report of performance and progress was stored in the logical tools. It benefits the teachers to conduct the online classes according to the learning patterns of students.

High Engagement 

In an online class, the material which is visually stimulating, concise, and more interactive attracts the student's attention. As a result, students engage in online education with more active and passionate. And the multimedia content is easily accessible on any device. And they give full access to the students to control and take in the material.

Quick Assessment 

During online classes, it is easy for the teacher to quickly access the learning process of the students. In the face to face classroom, shy students may get nervous to answer the questions asked during the class. But in online classes, they may actively participate in answering questions as chat does away with the fear of What if I am wrong?. 

At Bay international school in Chennai, provide the best education and online classes to the students who are stuck in the home during the lockdown period. The admission is open for the next academic year, so check the website for more information.


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